关于励志演讲稿英汉所属类目:励志演讲 - 发布时间:2018-02-17
Beloved teacher, dear students: 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: Hello, everyone. 大家好! I am XX primary school four year six class of XX, today, I have the honor to share with everyone a topic:" there is a fly is strong".http://www.syiae.com 我是xx小学四年六班的xx,今天,我有幸能和大家一起共享一个话题:《有一种飞翔叫坚强》。 Some people every day looking forward leap miracle, not only you, I used to have this idea, but I in all kinds of things in life that, we want to leap not only to have the initiative, but also a necessary qualities: strong and we. 有些人天天都盼望着有飞跃的奇迹,不光是大家,我以前也有这种想法,但是我在生活中的种种事情中发现,我们要飞跃不仅要有主动性,而且还要有一种我们必备的素质:坚强。 Sometimes a leap opportunity can be without our knowledge into our line of sight, if we let a strong hand in hand with you to catch it and stick to it, not just your body, your spirit and thoughts will be a qualitative change, you will have a pair of invisible wings ... ... We are living in the most close to your mother, always in the most critical moment with you. No matter in our hearts, or reality she is always the most strong.http://www.syiae.com 有时飞跃的机遇可以在我们不知情时走入我们的视线,如果我们让坚强与你携手抓住了它并坚持下去,不光是你个人身体,你的精神与思想也会发生质的蜕变,你就会拥有一双隐形的翅膀……我们在生活中最贴近你的母亲,总是在最关键的时刻与你共度难关。不管在我们心中,还是现实她总是最坚强的。 Is ah! There is a fly is strong, if everything can be strong and carry on, like your mother, fly, it only belongs to you.http://www.syiae.com 是啊!有一种飞翔叫坚强,如果事事都能坚强走下去,像你的母亲一样,飞翔,成功只属于你。 Thank you, I finished the speech. 谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。 |
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